MOOC Applications of Everyday Leadership – Conflict Management

Conflict management

This is the second blog post about the MOOCApplications of Everyday Leadership‘ delivered by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Topic is ‘Conflict Management’.

You can also read my notes about the first part of this MOOC: ‘Negotiation‘.

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MOOC Applications of Everyday Leadership – Negotiation

Via the Coursera platform, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has recently delivered the MOOCApplications of Everyday Leadership‘. Through 4 blog posts, you will find notes I took when attending to this 4 weeks online course.

Here is a summary for week 1: ‘Negotiation‘.

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MOOC ‘Du manager Agile au designer leader’ – semaine 4 – Le manager designer

Quatrième (et avant-dernier) billet consacré au MOOCDu manager Agile au designer leader‘ (ou ‘From an Agile manager to a designer leader’, il est traduit en version anglaise) avec quelques notes sur ‘Le manager designer‘.

Vous pouvez trouver mes notes concernant ‘Le métier de manager’ (semaine 1) , ‘Digitaliser le management’ (semaine 2) et ‘Devenir Agile’ (semaine 3).

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MOOC ‘Du manager Agile au designer leader’ – semaine 3 – Devenir Agile

Ce troisième billet consacré au MOOCDu manager Agile au designer leader‘ (ou ‘From an Agile manager to a designer leader’, il est traduit en version anglaise) vous donne un résumé de la semaine 3 dont le sujet était : ‘Devenir Agile’.

Vous pouvez aussi (re)lire mes notes concernant ‘Le métier de manager’ (semaine 1) et ‘Digitaliser le management’ (semaine 2).

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MOOC ‘Du manager Agile au designer leader’ – semaine 2 – Digitaliser le management

Suite des cinq billets dédiés au MOOCDu manager Agile au designer leader‘ (ou ‘From an Agile manager to a designer leader’, il est traduit en version anglaise) avec ce deuxième post consacré à la semaine 2 : ‘Digitaliser le management‘.

Vous pouvez aussi (re)lire mes notes concernant la semaine 1 ‘Le métier de manager’.
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MOOC ‘Du manager Agile au designer leader’ – semaine 1 – Le métier de manager

Ce billet inaugure une série de cinq billets dédiés au MOOCDu manager Agile au designer leader‘ (ou ‘From an Agile manager to a designer leader’, il est traduit en version anglaise).

Vous pouvez y lire mes notes prises grâce aux vidéos, contenus textuels et quiz diffusés tout au long des 5 semaines qu’a duré le MOOC.

Ce premier post correspond donc à la semaine 1, avec pour sujet : ‘Le métier de manager‘.

Continue reading MOOC ‘Du manager Agile au designer leader’ – semaine 1 – Le métier de manager

Somes notes about Six Sigma White Belt Training

The Six Sigma symbol


I’ve just performed the ‘Six Sigma White Belt Training‘ offered by Six Sigma Online. It is composed by a short video ‘Introduction to Six Sigma‘ (a couple of minutes) and 4 (short) PDF files:


What is interesting here is that it gives an introduction to the Six Sigma methodology, without going into (annoying) detail. On the contrary, these short notices invite reader to know more, especially about tools and real use cases.

Here are some notes I took when reading this course material.

Continue reading Somes notes about Six Sigma White Belt Training

Methods of UX Design – Overview

Have you already my post about ‘ What is UX? What are UX Research and Design? ‘? Or maybe you know what is User Experience, so you read first this overview of ‘ Methods of UX Research ‘. This third post complete notes I took during the MOOC ‘ Introduction to User Experience ‘ delivered by the edX platform. We focus there on the methods to produce a plan or a prototype of what will be the final product or outcome.

There is also a quiz with 10 questions to assess your knowledge about this topic.

Continue reading Methods of UX Design – Overview

Methods of UX Research – Overview

..Method of ux research: user testing


Further to my previous post “What is UX? What are UX Research and Design?“, here are some notes about the second part of the MOOCIntroduction to User Experience” featured by the edX platform. This post introduces some methods of UX Research, like User testing and Micro-usability test. There is also a quiz with 10 questions to assess your knowledge about this topic.

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What is UX? What are UX Research and Design?

Because I used to attend some MOOCs for several years now, like ‘Learn HTML5 from W3C‘ or ‘Development with Android‘, and also because I have a strong interest in User Experience, I would not have missed this ‘Introduction to User Experience‘ featured by the great edX platform.

You will find my notes through three blog posts; here is the first part: What is UX? What are UX Research and Design?

There is also a link to a 9-questions quiz at the end of the post.

Continue reading What is UX? What are UX Research and Design?