Duolingo gets success because it offers all elements for an efficient learning


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Duolingo gets success because it offers all elements for an efficient learning:

  • A great user interface. Clearly usability audits and / or user testing have been performed. As a result, most of the users enjoy using it, User Experience is successful.
  • Learning content is chunked in short, bite-size pieces. Consequently, it requires to be focused only during a short amount of time for each milestone. Remember that humans are lazy by nature and look for shortcuts and easy ways to proceed.
  • It offers a system of rewards with ‘lingots’ and ‘badges’. Mainly used in video games, and recently in all processes that include ‘gamification’, this is notorious that regular rewards maintain user motivation.
  • Failure is not blocking: if users do a mistake, they almost immediately have opportunity to try again. This is even fun having a try by following our intuition rather than checking on Google Translate. Besides, a ‘serie’ will end up only when you get success for all the questions. So try, again and again, and indeed after a couple of times, you get it.

Do you plan to test Duolingo? Or maybe have you already used it? What do you think of this way of learning (languages)?

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